As your website serves as the core element of your business’s online profile as it’s a way to introduce your business to the world. It has to be the perfect way possible to get the best outcome.  

Creating a stunning website is essential to assisting your business’s online expansion. You can create your e-commerce website using a platform such as Shopify. How, therefore, can you maximize the potential of your Shopify website?

To assist you in creating your website, we’ve compiled a list of six Shopify website design guidelines:

Continue reading to find out more.

1. Choose Your Theme the Right Way

Selecting the ideal theme for your website is the first step in learning how to construct a Shopify store. For extra credit, pick one of the top-converting Shopify themes. Your website’s theme serves as its framework and dictates how your audience perceives it.

You want to ensure you pick the proper theme to make a good impression because 94% of first impressions are associated with website design. You can use any of Shopify’s many templates for your website. They provide both paid and free templates, with prices ranging from $100 to $300. 

However, when you’re choosing your theme, make sure that the theme is mobile-friendly. Today, more than 45% of people globally use their mobile devices to shop online daily. These days, more than 70% of the customers are buying from their mobile phones so your store has to perform well on all mobile devices and screens.

So, how do you pick a theme for your website that works?

When designing your Shopify store, you should consider the following questions:

  • How should my products appear on my website?
  • What features should my store have?
  • How would I like people to shop on my website?
  • For my audience, what kind of experience do I want to provide?
  • What is my budget for my design?
  • You can choose the ideal design for your e-commerce company by posing these queries.

1.1 You Didn’t Get What You Were Looking For? What Now

Sometimes, you don’t get all the points mentioned above in a single theme, or the price gets too high. In such cases, you can take the alternate approach and proceed with a custom theme or website design for your Shopify store.

This process includes deep analysis, business core value, and the overall nature of the product or service you’re selling. It takes a lot of experience and expertise to build a custom theme for your store – so it’s better to hire a Shopify web design agency to help you throughout the process.

If you’re on a tight budget, try talking out with local experts or development agencies to help you get a custom store on a limited budget. Begin your search in your area or city. For instance, if you’re living in New Jersey, search for terms like Shopify Website Design New Jersey, New Jersey Shopify Experts, etc to get targeted results.

When you’re working with local experts, you don’t have to worry about the delays and communication gaps as you’re both in the same area or city – and you can even meet in person if there’s a real need for it. Overall, they can be a great and budget-friendly option for you, if you want to look different from your competitors, stay on budget, and get a fully customized store. 

2. Make Sure Your Site Loads Fast

Making sure your site loads quickly is one of the most important Shopify website design tips. And we mean seriously! If a website takes too long to load, users will not wait for it and will leave. In actuality, slow-loading websites cost businesses $2.6 billion in lost sales annually.

You should monitor your site’s load time when using Shopify as your site builder to make sure your audience is getting the most experience possible. To discover how long it takes for your site to load right now, you can use a tool like Google PageSpeed Insights.

If your website loads too slowly, you can speed it up by:

  • Avoid using third-party themes: You can use third-party themes on your website with Shopify. They run the danger of having extra features that slow down your website. Since you know what you’re getting with Shopify’s themes, it’s best to stick with them.
  • Reduce the size of picture files: Including product photos on your website can improve user experience, but it can also cause your site to load more slowly. 
  • Analyzing your apps and widgets usage: You will add a lot of applications and widgets when you construct your website. You may have too many of them if your website is lagging. Make sure you only utilize the most necessary applications and widgets on your website by going through your collection.

Investing in page speed services is another way to improve the speed at which your website loads. It’s highly recommended that you hire a Shopify web design agency to do all the heavy and time-consuming tasks for you.

3. Use Apps to Build Your Store

Using applications to create your website comes next on our list of Shopify store design tips. Shopify uses apps to assist you in adding features to your website that improve the user experience, much like WordPress uses plugins. Dozens of apps are available to help you create your website.

Among the app categories are:

  • Locating products
  • Places to sell
  • Design of stores, marketing, sales, and conversion
  • Purchases and delivery
  • Management of inventory and customer service
  • Financial security and trust
  • Reporting on Productivity

Adding an app can help you create a better e-commerce site, whether your goal is to manage your inventory or streamline your sales process. Using Shopify Magic might also help you generate some ideas.

4. Use Visuals on Your Site

Adding images is the next piece of advice we have for improving the store’s web design. People need to be able to perceive the product as closely as possible through your graphics because they are unable to see it in person.

Both images and videos can be used to promote your products on the internet. Make sure you utilize high-quality images that highlight your product from all sides when you post these images to your store.

5. Add Elements to Connect with Leads

When designing your Shopify store, you want to make it possible for leads to connect with your business. You must add features to your Shopify store that allow you to interact with potential customers. Social media buttons are one component you should use. 

With the help of these buttons, your audience can follow your business’s activities on the social media sites you use. You can also include an email sign-up bar. An email sign-up bar can be used to generate leads for your company. To encourage people to view and subscribe to your emails, you should incorporate a call to action button into the design of this bar.


It’s time to organize your Shopify store now that you have a list of design recommendations for Shopify websites! Now is your chance to boost the revenue of your business with a personalized Shopify store. 

But if you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember, you can always hire a Shopify web design agency to help you get this done and even guide you through business growth strategies. We hope this article will help in your Shopify journey.